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Hello, I am Judy Sturman and just a regular gal living a life that is inspired by beautiful things.


I am a wife, mother to three adult children, Honey (grandma) to seven beautiful babes and two beaus, and owner/founder of Stitches By Sturman, a drapery workroom.  I have served the interior design industry in the Kansas City area since 1989.


Creativity is my passion. You will find me most days in my studio creating drapery and other soft home furnishings for designers. But my real love  is spending time with my grands, knitting, transforming trash to treasure, and many other ways of making life more beautiful and pleasing to the eye.


My dream is not to be gripped by the things life has to offer, but to be driven by the beauty of living a life that is authentic, with integrity, and one that has been touched by His grace. Through the opportunities that God provides for me, I love participating with Him in helping people take another step closer to Him.

© 2018 by Judy Sturman. All rights reserved

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